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Cyber News

NIS2 Directive: what you need to know

What is NIS2? The NIS2 Directive (Network and Information Security Directive) is a European regulation focusing on cyber security and the resilience of critical infrastructures and digital service providers. Its introduction was motivated by the increase in cyber threats and the growing reliance on digital technologies across all critical sectors. The NIS2 Directive is an […]

Cyber News

Cyber Security and AI: the current situation

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security Artificial intelligence is rapidly revolutionizing the field of cyber security thanks to its ability to automate detection and incident response processes. Traditionally, cybersecurity relied on predefined rules and manual interventions to identify and block threats. However, with AI, it is now possible to continuously monitor systems, detect […]

Cyber News

Cyber Security in the Healthcare Sector

Cyber Security in the Healthcare Sector: the situation The healthcare sector is facing numerous challenges related to technological advancements and the maintenance of personal data privacy. In this context, a determining factor is cyber security, which is increasingly important within this sector. According to the latest Clusit Report 2024, it is estimated that the healthcare […]

Cyber News

The importance of Cyber Security for Industry 5.0

The paradigm of Industry 5.0 Industry 5.0 represents a new paradigm in the world of production and manufacturing, where the interaction between humans and machines reaches unprecedented levels. While Industry 4.0 marked the massive adoption of automation and the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 5.0 focuses on the harmonious collaboration between humans and intelligent robots […]