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The dashboard panel allows you to manage the dashboards. 

Main Page

Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
The main page shows the dashboard information, their owners, the users associated, the timeout and their tags.
  1. Actions box
    • Select All: Select all the dashboards in the table.
    • Multiple Editing: It will open a dialog that allows the multiple editing of selected dashboards.
    • Remove: It will open a dialog that allow the tags removal.
  2. Filter box
    • Input field: It is used to filter the entire table. The filter value is compared with all the cells.
    • Pin Icon: The icon is used to pin the filter after an hypotetical reload.
  3. Table Actions box:
    • Plus icon: It opens a dialog that allow the “Dashboard Added”
    • .CSV: Downloads the table in CSV format.
    • .XLS: Downloads the table in XLS format.
  4. Edit icon: It will open a container that allow the Dashboard Editing

New Dashboard

Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
This dialog allows the addition of a dashboard. The user has to enter the name, color, timeout and user(s). You can choose one or more tags to associate.
  1. Name: It is the name of the dashboard
  2. Description: It is the description of the dashboard
  3. Timeout: It is a parameter used to specify the interval at which the dashboard data will be updated.
  4. This section is used to associate the dashboard with the selected tags. You can click on the line to select the tags.
  5. This section is used to associate the dashboard with one or more users. You can click on the line to select the users.
    • Share: The dashboard will be available for the selected users.
    • Copy: The selected users will have their own dashboard

Edit Dashboard

Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
This container allows to the user to edit dashboard information, associations between tags and users. It is allowed the dashboard cloning.
  1. Name: It is the name of the dashboard
  2. Description: It is the description of the dashboard
  3. Owner: It is the dashboard creator. It is not editable.
  4. Timeout: It is a parameter used to specify the interval at which the dashboard data will be updated.
  5. This section is used to associate the dashboard with the selected tags. You can click on the line to select the tags.
  6. This section is used to associate the dashboard with one or more users. You can click on the line to select the users.
    • Share: The dashboard will be available for the selected users.
    • Copy: The selected users will have their own dashboard
  7. Shared icon: This indicates that the dashboard is shared with emphasized users.
Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
When you click on button group (1), this menu will appear, allowing you to choose the users to whom the dashboards will be cloned. If you want to return, click on ‘share‘.

Multiple Editing

Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
This dialog allow the perform changes at once for multiple dashboard. The common information are description, timeout, tags and users. You can clone the dashboard for selected users.
  1. Description: It is the description of the dashboard
  2. Timeout: It is a parameter used to specify the interval at which the dashboard data will be updated.
  3. Used For: this field reminds how many selected dashboards are associated to the element (in this case, tag)
  4. This line displays the Remove icon, so you can delete all the associations with the tag.
  5. This line does not display the Remove icon, so you can add the association dashboard-tag
  6. This section is used to associate the dashboard with one or more users. You can click on the line to select the users.
    • Share: The dashboard will be available for the selected users.
    • Copy: The selected users will have their own dashboard

Delete Dashboards

Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
To delete multiple dashboards, first select one of the dashboards using the Remove icon (1), then press the select all button (2). Once you’ve selected one or more dashboards, the Remove button (3) will activate.
Dashboard Management Panel – Functionalities and usage
After clicking the remove button on the main page, a container will appear, allowing you to complete the deletion.
It displays the selected dashboards as a reminder.
Click remove to apply the deletion.